WT SmartCityAward 2017



Eli Gotman, Hila Davidpu, Hofi Harari and Tal Gazit 

The high-rise structure will serve as a nesting ground for thousands of migrating birds and an ecological habitat for the different animals and species of the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve Zoo. The tower is made from a system of nets and steel cables of varying densities wrapped around a rigid structure. It will accommodate a variety of migrating birds, along with spaces for animals. The photovoltaic cell system, an ecological recycling and water treatment facilities help in making the building self-sustainable. The tower features a perforated skin that not only lets ample of natural light flood in, but also lets fresh air and rain water to come inside, creating an eco-system where vegetation and netting system coexist.  In order to minimize the damages caused by carbon emitting vehicles, the tower’s main entrance is accessible via a cable-way which connects to a public transportation system.


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